screenwriter, director, executive producer
From administration to advertising by way of the theatre scene, Nathalie Bissonnette’s career path is reflective of her rich and eclectic personality. In 2004, she was appointed executive producer for OUTSIDERS Films, where her talents have been put to great use on many film and TV projects that she is both passionate about and entirely dedicated to. Read more
After a remarkable journey as a Communications and Marketing Strategist for many renowned corporations, Giacomo chose to change his own narrative and dive into his first true passion: cinema. He acts audaciously as Producer on many documentaries, narrative films, ads and videoclips with clairvoyance and rigor. He is that creative and innovative producer who sparks magic within creators who disrupt the narrative, with a keen interest in marginalized voices and international coproduction. As a leader, he stands out for knowing how to drive a project forward with clairvoyance, rigor and formidable efficiency.
Born in Andalousia, Rocío Barba Fuentes first pursues studies in Law before fully embracing the 7th art form by means of documentary. Graduate from l’EICTV (Cuba) Executive Production International Workshop in 2015, she cofounds the company Soup Joumou Films in Dominican Republic and produces her first documentary feature film Si Bondye vle, Yuli (Jean Jean, 2015), prized by many international film festivals. In 2018, Rocío reinforces her skills and her interest for production at L’inis Cinema program and leads different projects that reflect her vivacious, creative, sensible and engaged personality. Filled with these multidisciplinary and international experiences, she becomes a Producer at Outsiders Films and cofounds Cosmos Films in 2018, where she favors foreign coproduction while supporting above all else, projects that are profoundly humanistic. Read more
Drawing on over twenty years of experience in film production, Ginette Petit has worked on about five hundred short films and many features, among them And the Birds Rained Down by Louise Archambault (2019), Ça sent la coupe by Patrice Sauvé (2017), The Ring by Anaïs Barbeau-Lavalette (2007), The Collector by Jean Beaudin (2001) and Kabloonak by Claude Massot (1994), which were lauded by critics. Known for her attention to detail, rigor and infectious enthusiasm, Ginette Petit sets herself apart thanks to her generosity toward creators, her thorough understanding of the creative process and her sharp artistic eye, which she notably honed in her early years as a set designer and window dresser. Read more

"Better to learn quickly how to shed the superfluous to rise higher."
- ginette petit and nathalie bissonnette
Since its founding, production company OUTSIDERS Films has made it its mission to carry creative talent all the way to the finish line. To seek it out where one would least expect it. To bring it to life and sometimes revive it. Above all, to see it blossom with tremendous respect. At OUTSIDERS, the person is always a central priority. Consideration for others, appreciation for teamwork, encounters that bring about a sense of fulfillment, boldness and generosity: these are the founding values reflected in the company’s projects. No matter the topic, genre or message conveyed, its productions speak of hope and humanism.